Engaging Your Company to Maximize Your Impact

When your company supports El Paso Children's Hospital Foundation, you and your team become a part of a meaningful cause that helps ensure health care and services are accessible to everyone in the Paso del Norte Region. There is nothing like the feeling of accomplishment knowing that you and your colleagues are making a difference in changing lives for years to come. Rest assured, your contributions stay here in the community where you do business, and those funds help secure a healthier future and stronger economy for our region.

Whether it is supporting with a monetary gift or an in-kind donation, we are ready to work with you and your team to tailor to your company's giving in order to maximize your philanthropic goals while providing you with greater visibility, publicity, and recognition.


Please call the El Paso Children's Hospital Foundation office (915) 521-7229, Monday-Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Questions or comments? Please contact us at foundation@elpasochildrens.org.

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